About Me

Hi everyone!

My name is Anna, I am a recent graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition with a concentration in Dietetics and work as a Nutrition Assistant in a hospital.

My journey to becoming an RD 2 Be started when I was a freshman in high school. Somewhere along the way in my younger years, I developed horrible eating habits. In middle school I often came home from school and ate at least half of a bag of chips. When I would sneak into my dad's candy stash, I'd eat at least 10 pieces and hide the wrappers under the couch cushions only to have my parents find it and confront me about it. No matter how many times I was caught snacking or bingeing, my parents never really made any attempt to help me change (don't get me wrong, love them to death). It wasn't until I entered the brutal world of high school did I understand my habits were really a problem. They aren't lying when they say kids are mean. I had some nasty things said to me and about me but I kept up my ways until one day. At the age of 14, I decided I had had enough of feeling fat and unhealthy. Back then I tipped the scale at roughly 175 pounds. At my height of 5'4" I was nearing the mark of obesity, something I had not realized until many years later.

My journey started slow but once I figured out what I was doing, I was hooked. I started with changes in both my diet and my exercise regimen, which before then was practically non-existent.  I began asking my parents to buy me healthier groceries when they went to the store. More produce, whole wheat instead of white, low cal snacks like jello, cheese sticks, and granola bars, and many other substitutions. As for exercise, it was summer at the time so I took to the outdoors and started running sprints. The more changes I made, the more I saw the weight come off and the better I felt. By the time school resumed in August, I had already lost 16 pounds and throughout my sophomore year continued to lose another 22. By the spring, I got to my lowest weight of 137 pounds.

Classmates said they didn't even know who I was when they were walking behind me. During this time I went from one extreme to another. My days of binge eating junk food were over , however, for a while I was so obsessed with dropping more and more weight that I wasn't eating adequate calories most days. It wasn't until I saw my track performance suffering that I realized that nourishing your body properly is more important than simply seeing the number on the scale going down. Now my focus is balanced meals, cardio and weight training, adequate sleep, and getting all those pesky vitamins and minerals in.

6 years later, I have learned a lot and continue to learn about nutrition each and every day. My diet is quite balanced, although I still struggle with a pesky sweet tooth (I think its hereditary...). I decided to create this blog to talk about food, health, nutrition, fitness, and anything else that catches my interest.



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About Me

My name is Anna. I am recent grad with a B.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics & my goal is to become a Registered Dietitian. I created this blog simply to talk about my one true love in life, food, since it is the whole reason I chose this field in the first place. I am excited to see what exciting things lie ahead in my life but in the meantime, I'm just going to keep writing about the one thing that everyone can relate to & that is a love for everything food.
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